This week started off much like most of my weeks. It was Monday, and I had scheduled a lunch date with my dear sweet friend Diane. We had had to reschedule due to our involvement with DNow weekend. And to be super honest, I almost again rescheduled our lunch date, because 1. I was exhausted from running a half-marathon and 2. having 23 sixth grade girls at my house all weekend. I just wanted to put my house back in order and take a nap. But, because I do love my lunches with her, I succumbed. But, I was going to be rebellious and NOT wash my hair for this occasion, and I may have shown up in yoga capris. I show up to Albany's hot spot, Olive Garden. Upon arrival, I greet my sweet friend, and we go to our table. I was on my phone by the way..(Uhhh RUDE!) and when I get to the table, I see balloons, a cake, and 3 of the sweetest friends sitting there!! I was completely unsure at what was about to go down, and I asked what any other person would ask..."Who's birthday is it?!" And in my brain, I was like" DANG did Diane tell me it was someones birthday, and I forgot. Plus I didn't have a gift!" But, in a matter of seconds, I was advised by my dear friend and "queen of deception & trickery" Emily, that this was for ASA!!! I think I stopped breathing. I was completely overwhelmed that they had thought to do this, and I just felt so humbled and thankful that The Lord has placed these sweet sisters to walk by my side during this season of life called Adoption. These people get it. Understanding that every single thing you have to cling to with your child is worth celebrating. That it is important to uplift and celebrate WITH you! And maybe sometimes they just enjoy seeing me squawl like a crazy, adopting Momma. Who knows. But, I am glad they do either way! It was so wonderful, and we ate cake. Fassstttttt forward to early this morning!!! March 5th. When I woke up, Todd wanted me to check my email just in case we had received anything from China regarding the birthday party we sent to Asa. We had prayed last night that Asa would be blessed, and happy on his birthday. We also prayed that he would be extra specially loved on, if only just for that day. And wouldn't you know it. We serve a FAITHFUL GOD you guys. Faithful. We had six photos and a video waiting for us!! It was a little like mass chaos getting those photos and videos downloaded at 6am trying to get the kids ready for school! But, oh what a treasure they are to a waiting Mommy's heart. A treasure! Just to see his sweet, sweet face. He has lots of hair now, and he looks so healthy! Our lives are so about to change with this sweet little guy. We are in LOVE with him. This will be the very last birthday he will be without a forever family. Here are the treasures of the day! He is the crowned Prince in the following photos!!
And the most perfect videoooo!!
"Nevertheless, the HEART of ASA was WHOLLY TRUE to The LORD, ALL of his days." 1 Kings 15:14
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