Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Can You Just Be Happy For Me?"

Will you allow me to just pour my heart out for a minute? Will you allow me to be just completely transparent and real with you all? I am hurt. I am really hurting inside. I just want to know, when did we as human beings, and even the Body of Christ, stop being genuinely happy for someone when God pours out blessings? Because, I feel as if God is pouring out blessing on me and my family after over 3 years of trial,  and I feel as if I am being interrogated at every side because of it. Why can't I get a hug instead of whispers? Can you be thrilled for me because I am about to own my very first home, at the age of 39? Is it asking to much for you to be ecstatic for the child(ren) we are adding to our family, even if from around the globe? Why is it your responsibility to make sure we are following a biblical calling, and what scripture we have as proof? What I so desperately want is for  people to be encouraging me right now, because trust me, what you don't know is, I am ALREADY my own worst enemy. I already say to myself, "Who am I Lord?" "Why me Lord?" I don't need extra help to bring ME down. I do that just fine on my own. Please don't think that I do not struggle with if "God has got this right." Because if anyone knows how blessed they are it is me! Romans 12:15 (ESV) "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." And, doggonnit I want to REJOICE right now!! Won't you rejoice WITH me? Won't you stop commenting on where I am building my house, or how big my house is, or how much money we are spending on our house? Won't you stop assuming that adopting from China is a fleeting, spur of the moment decision? Won't you rejoice that for the first time in my life, I am settling down and planting roots? Won't you rejoice that I will be settled in one place, and not having to move every three years, which I have done since the tender age of 17! Won't you shout for joy that I am going to grow my family, with orphans! Won't you be in awe of the Awesomeness of our Lord, and how he has worked MIGHTILY in my life to bring to the place I am at right now?! Because, GAH-LEE, I am overwhelmed with His goodness to me!! And tomorrow I may want to weep, and if that is the case, won't you weep with me? For my sweet friends who have loved on us, rejoiced with us, been excited for each step we are taking right now, THANK YOU! I am so thankful for how God has strategically placed you in our lives. And, in conclusion, I would hope that anyone who is willing to get to know me would know, I will ALWAYS rejoice with you, and ALWAYS weep with you.